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Chiki Buttah Organic

Starting Fresh

The new year is the perfect time to refresh and reinvigorate your health and wellness plan and set the tone for the coming months. Let’s take this new beginning and clear canvas as an opportunity for growth, self-reflection and improvement. 

At the start of a new year, people are more likely to stay on track with new goals and stay motivated. Did you know that having new goals actually stimulates a dopamine response, that feel-good chemical that our body produces naturally? 

So now is the best time to take advantage of this natural boost and lay down some new tracks of what you would like to accomplish for yourself in the coming months and years. 

Your journey starts now toward a healthier, happier life. Here are some suggestions to get you started:  

Start small

Start with one small thing and feel victorious. Define specific, achievable, and measurable goals. Whether it's drinking more water or exercising a certain number of times a week, make sure your goal/goals are clear and attainable. 

Achieving a healthier lifestyle can begin with one simple change. Once you establish that one thing it will perpetuate you to do the next thing and so on. 

What one thing would bring you the most dynamic change at this time? What one thing is attainable for you right now? The key is being consistent. Don’t forget to praise yourself for your efforts! Tell yourself how awesome you are and give yourself a high five!

Start your day with some form of movement

We all know the importance of exercise and when it’s freezing cold outside, it can be challenging to stick with your routine. Winter is when you need  movement  the most to support immunity, cardiovascular health, metabolism, and mood. 

Even just a 10-minute walk outside in the sunshine will do the trick and you’ll be getting your vitamin D too! 

Winterize your workouts and be kind to yourself. Opt for slower, more focused workouts and yoga this season. Slow and steady wins the marathon. 

Cultivate stress management tools and stillness

Keep it simple and just do it! It’s a necessary part of creating balance in this fast-paced world we live in. Start with 10 minutes a day and build from there as you become more comfortable. 

This year, make it a point to create this incredibly healthy habit. Did you know that If you do something consistently for 40 days you can establish a new habit that will last? 

If you need some support to get you started I would be happy to help. Simply email me at I can answer any questions you may have and offer suggestions. I am a certified meditation teacher. 

There is a wonderful program on the Gaia channel called Rewired with Dr. Joe Dispenza that will help you integrate the importance of stress management. I encourage you to watch and absorb the information because it will help you understand what happens to your body and mind under stress and offers healthy ways to trigger the relaxation response. It also explains the physiology of the positive changes that occur during meditation. After watching this program you’ll feel inspired to continue your meditation practice or start one.

I hope your new year is off to a good start at a medium pace. Let’s take this time to appreciate the stillness in the season of winter while we start implementing baby steps toward our goals of health and wellness. 

Everyday is a new opportunity to do it better than yesterday! Cheers to you! 

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love, 💙

Kim Keeshin

National Pain Awareness Month was established in 2001 and is observed in September every year. Pain professionals and activists from all around the country get together to raise awareness about problems connected to chronic pain. 

Did you know that due to the opioid crisis millions of people with chronic pain have been tapered off of opioid medications and not offered other treatment options? This leads to tremendous pain and suffering, feelings of abandonment, anxiety and depression and even suicide.

What is the aim of Pain Awareness Month?

Pain Awareness Month aims to make the public aware of how prevalent general pain is, educate them on how to deal with pain, find alternative and holistic remedies for pain and collect funding for research into the causes and treatment of various forms of pain. 

It also creates a community for pain sufferers that can join together to find other therapies and natural remedies to alleviate the agony they are experiencing. More people these days are realizing that prescription and over the counter pain meds are doing more harm than good and are not even that effective over time. It’s just not worth the sacrifice of health! There are a lot of people with chronic pain that are resigned to the fact that they will just have to live with their pain, feeling hopeless and exhausted from the day to day challenges that they have to endure. There is hope! 

Thanks to pain awareness month there is research being done on all types of pain. Understanding and differentiating the type of pain someone is experiencing will determine remedies and action steps to take in relieving and conquering the day to day discomfort. 

Most common types of pain

These are the 4 major types of pain:

What can make pain worse? 

Stress releases stress hormones such as cortisone, which in turn cause inflammation and more pain. If you can reduce your stress, you can reduce some of your pain.

What does chronic pain do to the brain?

Researchers found that in people with chronic pain, a front region of the cortex associated with emotion gets stuck in the active mode and does not switch off causing it to be stuck on full throttle, wearing out neurons and altering their connections. People with unrelenting pain don't only suffer from the non-stop sensation of throbbing pain but also are highly emotional and stressed all the time.

What can I do to make living with pain easier?

There are some key coping skills and antidotes that everyone with chronic pain should adopt and work to master for success in dealing with their pain condition.

How to cope with pain?

Below are 7 basic coping skills you can implement now to help reduce your pain:

1. Understanding- Do your research and understand the reason behind your pain. When you have a clear sense of what is happening in your body and what is causing your pain you can feel more settled in just knowing this information. From there you can make a plan of action to move in the direction of some form of healing. 

 2. Accepting- Acceptance and having appropriate attitudes and expectations about chronic pain are key to living with more positive outcomes. When you change the mindset of “woe is me” or “why me?” to “what now?” you can then bring your focus on becoming proactive and empowered to take on the challenge of finding remedies that help alleviate the pain and create a more positive mindset.

3. Balancing- There is a balance between doing too much and doing too little. Activity is important even for pain sufferers. It is up to you to know your personal limitations, or, when to push yourself a little more. Remember exercise releases natural endorphins which not only lessen the pain but also boosts your mood. Creating healthy consistent routines and adopting self care habits is key. 

 4. Calming- Cultivate practices that can calm the body and mind. Pain triggers a fight or flight response which causes more tension and more pain. By relaxing through breathing techniques and meditation you will be in control of accessing the parasympathetic nervous system response (rest, relax and repair) to help reduce your pain levels naturally.

 5. Conquering your emotions- It’s always good to have tips and techniques to use when the pain becomes more severe and you are feeling really low. There are a myriad of emotions associated with chronic pain such as, sadness, fear, hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed , depression etc…It is easy to get stuck in these emotions and spiral down into negative thought patterns. Meditation is a great way to intercept your emotions and clear your mind. Even just 5-10 minutes can help. Another way is to repeat a mantra. Here is an example: As long as I am alive and breathing on this earth I will never give up! Repeat it until you believe it! You can say this over and over daily and also write it in a notebook over and over. This is a very effective tool to intercept that downward spiral and begin to create a positive feedback loop. You can even create your very own positive mantra. Over time this will enable your mind to be positively proactive rather than negatively reactive. Conquering your emotions is key!

 6. Natural remedies-Find natural pain relieving remedies and therapies that you can use that can help take the edge off, even if it’s for temporary relief. Here are some suggestions:

7. Join a support group. Here's is a link to find a support group so you can stay connected and learn some tips and tricks to help with pain.

Key points to remember:

1 .Learn coping skills and how to conquer your emotions.

2. Learn deep breathing and meditation to help you relax.

3. Reduce stress in your life.

4. Boost chronic pain relief with the natural endorphins from exercise.

5. Always have natural remedies available.

6. Try new types of therapeutic modalities that your insurance may cover.

7. Join a support group.

I hope that you will find some comfort in my blog and know that you are not alone. There are lots of resources and support groups available that can help in many ways where you can connect with others to find inspiration and ideas that can be transformational and help your situation. 

Please share this information with anyone you think may benefit. 

Wishing you all the best in Health, peace and love,

Kim Keeshin

Imagine…Non-Toxic, Paraffin-Free, Clean-Burning Scented Candles for a healthy home and safe environment. Coming soon from Chiki Buttah!

Believe it or not, burning candles can have a negative impact on your health. You can find candles everywhere these days in every kind of store and they are usually inexpensive. Most conventional candles are made with petroleum/paraffin wax, synthetic fragrance, and scent boosters, which are full of toxic chemicals that can have a negative impact on your health. 

Babies and pets are especially at risk because they are much more sensitive to chemicals and are still developing. Continued exposure to these chemicals can cause all kinds of health risks such as asthma, headaches, allergies, lung, heart, and reproductive issues. 

Most candle companies either choose profit over health or simply are unaware of the health risks attributed to cheap wax made from petroleum and scented with synthetic fragrance. According to the CDC, evidence shows that scented candles release toxic chemicals and particulate matter into the air, including formaldehyde and benzene which are known to be cancer-causing.

You may be asking, what constitutes a clean candle? Candles that are made from natural waxes such as soy, beeswax, and coconut wax do not contain chemicals because they are not processed from crude oil. These waxes are in fact all- natural. 

Paraffin wax is a by-product of crude oil and goes through very harsh chemical processes to achieve the final product. When these candles burn they emit these chemicals into the atmosphere. On the other hand, candles made from natural wax and pure botanical scents will enhance the ambiance and atmosphere of a room without the risk of exposure to these chemicals.

Relax with clean scented candles

What about candles scented with synthetic fragrances? We usually burn candles when we are winding down from work, reading, yoga, meditating, bathing, etc. This is mainly when we are inside with the windows shut, which means if you are burning an inexpensive candle made from paraffin wax and synthetic fragrance, you are breathing in some very toxic chemicals. 

You may also notice the black smoke that burns off of the wick when lit. This soot is not only toxic to breathe in but also covers the walls, furniture, and curtains. The soot also circulates through your air ducts. In other words, it gets on everything! This soot contains 11 toxins, including two carcinogens: toluene and benzene.

clean scented candles

Choose clean scented candles - they are safe

How do you know if your candles are safe? Look for candles that are made with pure essential oils. Unfortunately, it is difficult to be certain that a company is in fact using pure essential oils, pure botanical essences, or a combination of both. 

Always read the ingredients and do some research on the company you are buying from. What is their mission statement and ethics concerning health and wellness? If you are buying candles from chain stores you are very likely buying candles that are not clean and free of chemicals. 

Why are clean scented candles so hard to find? 

Candles made with pure essential oils and good quality wax are more expensive to make and the scents will not throw as far. The scent is usually more subtle so most companies would rather use synthetic fragrances for this reason. Even if they are using clean soy or coconut wax and still use artificial fragrance, it defeats the purpose!

clean scented candles

Clean products for a healthy life

These days, it is so important to reduce the number of chemical toxins in our daily lives. As we use more and more products that are not clean this creates a cumulative effect of toxicity in our lives. Especially when it comes to our home environment. Your home is your sanctuary and a clean environment will support your health, vitality, and wellbeing.

Check out Chiki Glo from Chiki Buttah here.

As we become more and more aware of what to look out for, we can feel empowered to make better, healthier choices in our day-to-day lives. Our mission here at Chiki Buttah is to inform and educate ourselves and our community, as much as we can, so that we can begin to make incremental changes for a healthier, brighter future for us all! 

Every season poses challenges for your skin. Try these tips to feel confident that your summer skin care routine is golden!

Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love the long summer days, outdoor activities, poolside, beach time, refreshing summer recipes, grilling and so much more! 

While we are having all that summer fun, there is also more heat, sweat, and dehydration. It’s no secret that every season poses challenges for our skin so it is important to have a few tips and tricks for the season so you can feel confident that your skin care routine is working for you no matter what season we are in.

Here are some things you can incorporate this summer to keep your skin hydrated, balanced and glowing!

Summer Skin Care Tip #1

Use chemical-free SPF. This is the most important thing you can do to protect your skin from too much sun exposure. Even when it’s cloudy, make sure and apply an all-natural tinted SPF 30-50 to your face, neck and decollete.

My pick: Raw Elements tinted SPF 30. If you are out in the sun all day, you should reapply every few hours. Raw Elements also makes a non-tinted SPF that you can use for the body.

Important tip: Remember most commercial sunscreens are full of toxic chemicals so please please please stay clean and chem free when it comes to sunscreen!

Summer Skin Care Tip #2

Wear a wide brim hat and sunglasses. Wearing a hat and sunglasses will shade your face and minimize damage caused by the sun's rays, especially in the high heat of the day. This is a great way to avoid sun spots from showing up in the future. 

Summer Skin Care Tip #3

Wear less makeup. Makeup will clog your pores and with the added heat and sweat can cause a build-up of bacteria which leads to breakouts. Let your natural beauty shine!

Summer Skin Care Tip #4

Exfoliate. Use a gentle, all-natural exfoliating product to remove the buildup of dead skin so that your pores can breathe and skin can glow. Exfoliate every few days and follow up with a serum and light moisturizer (if needed). My pick: Eraorganics Manuka honey walnut scrub.

Summer Skin Care Tip #5

Apply an everyday face serum. A good serum is great for replenishing and adding vitamins back to your skin. It will also aid in creating a protective barrier for your skin to ward off bacteria and keep your face from breaking out. Try our Healing Hemp Face Serum. It's best to use your serum just after you wash your face 2x daily.

Chiki Buttah Healing Face Serum

Summer Skin Care Tip #6

Drink water and replenish with electrolytes. Higher temperatures and more time outdoors lead to internal dehydration which can result in headaches, dizzy spells and drier skin! Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day. Make sure and incorporate good quality trace minerals.

Important tip: To stay well hydrated we need more than just water, that’s where trace minerals come into play. My pick: Beam Minerals. They also have a mineral spray that you can use to spray your face and hair to replenish lost minerals to keep your skin glowing and hair shining. 

Summer Skin Care Tip #7

Homemade replenishing face mask. Treat your skin to a luxurious and inexpensive mask that you can make with items you have in the refrigerator.

Try my favorite creation: Avocado, yogurt and Manuka honey mask.

Mix together the avocado, yogurt and manukau honey. Apply for 1/2 hour. Rinse.

This mask will transform your skin! The yogurt has a mild exfoliating quality and will also help balance your skin's PH by feeding it with healthy flora. The Manuka honey is antibacterial, anti-fungal and is a superb humectant that will attract lots of moisture into the skin. Avocados are loaded with antioxidants and minerals and can gently exfoliate your skin to unclog pores. You can use this mask 1-3 times a week.

Summer Skin Care Tip #8

Wash your face morning and night. Make sure you cleanse your skin 2x daily with a mild face cleanser. Try Chiki Clean Aloe Cream Cleanser. Aloe is the main ingredient in our face wash and it’s perfect for soothing the skin in the summer.

 chiki clean

A very important tip: When washing your face use only lukewarm water, as hot water can cause inflammation and strip your skin's natural oils and can cause irritation. Always follow up with your serum and a touch of moisturizer (if needed).

I hope you try one or all of my summer skin care tips and feel confident about your skincare routine this summer.

Remember it is also important to nourish yourself with lots of fresh fruits, veggies and clean protein. Check out your local farmer's markets this season. You’ll not only be supporting the farmers but also eating local foods that are in season and are the most nutritious! 

Lastly, don’t forget to take some time to enjoy all that this beautiful season has to offer!

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love, 

Kim Keeshin 

Adopt some ways to detox not only in the spring but also on a daily basis. When we do things daily in the direction of better health we have a better chance of staying on the path of balance.

We often hear how important it is to detox. Then, we ask, so what do I do and when do I do it? And, for how long? Today, I want to share with you how you can incorporate 6 detox tips into your life, this spring.

In our modern day world, we are exposed to more toxins than ever. There are so many chemicals in our environment, everywhere from our food and water to the air we breathe, furniture we sit on to our personal care and household products and the list goes on. This is why it is so crucial to adopt some easy ways to detox not only in the spring but also on a daily basis. When we do things daily in the direction of better health we have a better chance of staying on path and not get too far out of balance.

What does it mean to detox? Basically, detoxification means cleansing the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood by way of our master detoxifying organ, the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination every day.

For most of us, our livers are working overtime and could use a break to rest, heal and replenish! The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. The skin is a good indicator of what’s going on inside the body and will tell you when it’s time to bring things back into balance through a good detox program.

What are some of the symptoms indicating the need for a detox?

Our bodies are like filters that get clogged up over time from day to day living. Every now and then we need to give our organs a break and clean out the gunk. You change the oil and filter in your vehicle regularly so it doesn't get gunked up, right? It’s good to maintain a few daily detox habits year round and best to do a more intense and focused cleanse, seasonally. Now, is the time for Spring so let's get detoxing!

Removing toxic substances that have accumulated in your body has many wonderful benefits. By flushing out dirty fluids that cause inflammation, you will be on your way to feeling better, lighter, brighter and more vital! Detoxing can also lower blood pressure, improve liver/gallbladder function, lift brain fog and enhance mood. It can also help relieve rashes and other skin conditions as well as help clear complexions, overall.

Here is my list of 6 things you can do right now to get the detox ball rolling:

1. Warm Lemon Water

Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. This aids in digestion and will help to get things moving while balancing the body's PH and boosting the immune system. It is a natural diuretic and helps with bloating and weight loss. It's good for the liver and brain health. 

2. Green Juice

Drink green juice daily. Getting a daily dose of Chlorophyll and plant nutrients will strengthen your immune system, help with inflammation, increase red blood cell production and help your cells function at optimal health, keeping your cells well oxygenated. 

Here is my green juice recipe: (Everything organic) 1 bunch of celery, 2 cucumbers (without skin), 2 green apples (without seeds), 5 leaves of kale, dandelion greens (or green of your choice), a small chunk of ginger, 1 piece of turmeric root and the juice of 1 lemon.  Directions: Juice all veggies along with ginger and turmeric and then mix in the juice of a lemon. Pour it into mason jars. It will keep for a few days in the fridge. 

3. Colon Cleanse

Enemas are good to do every few days because they are very detoxing! If there is one thing to get in the practice of doing, it would be enemas. The truth is we all have clogged digestive tracts on some level. Even if you have regular bowel movements there is still waste that gets stuck somewhere in your bowels. The longer it stays there the more compact it becomes and from there can cause all kinds of symptoms such as, pain, bloating, gas, constipation, inflammation and achiness. When our bowels are clogged we can be more prone to having parasites since that is prime real-estate for the buggers!

Remember there are toxins in the waste, and that waste is supposed to come out daily! Once you get in the practice of doing enemas, as often as you can, you will start to look forward to the way it makes you feel. The reward is feeling cleaned out, lighter, brighter and more vital with less pain and inflammation. Plus, it is very healthy for your liver and gallbladder.

Doing a water or coffee enema is the best thing you can do to clean out your colon and digestive tract. Here is a recipe for a water enema: 4 cups of water and 1/2 teaspoon of good mineral salt. Directions; heat water to 100 degrees then pour in a bucket or bag and proceed with enema. Hold for at least 7 minutes.

Green coffee enema: 4 cups water, 2 TBSP green coffee, 1/2 tsp mineral salt. Directions: bring coffee, water and salt to a boil, turn off heat and simmer until it reaches 100 degrees. Use a fine mesh bag to filter out the coffee, pour in a bucket or bag and proceed with enema. Hold for at least 10 minutes. Find green coffee here.

Either use an enema bucket such as this one.

Or, an enema bag like this one.

4. Exercise

Sweating through exercise is another key to detoxing.  Find a style of exercise that works for you and that makes you sweat. Move your body at least 3 times a week! If you have a Tru Fusion or similar group exercise facility in your area then try a month of classes. Many have special introductory rates to start and have all kinds of levels of classes. Some are done in a heated room which is great for detoxing! For a more passive version of sweating, try a sauna.

5. Hydrate

Drink plenty of clean water and take minerals daily. Hydration is always important for optimal health and especially when we want to detox. If you are drinking lots of filtered water that’s great but you are probably missing some minerals since the filter strips everything out of the water, good and bad. That’s why it is so important to add some minerals back in the mix. You can find high quality minerals here. I  recommend taking these full spectrum minerals morning and night. Minerals are food for our cells and keep us from feeling depleted. 

6. Detox Your Mind

Daily meditation is key to clearing out stuck feelings, thoughts and emotions which can linger and be toxic to us spiritually, mentally and physically. Through a daily meditation practice you can begin to cultivate that power within you to guide and direct your thoughts to a more positive and peaceful place, no matter what is going on around you.

By practicing stillness and  relaxing the body and mind you will begin to shift to a more relaxed state of being. Meditation is not about controlling your thoughts but rather not letting your thoughts control you. Through daily practice you will have a much better chance at being more present and more at peace.  This is a great tool to use anytime but especially when doing a cleanse.

When you are ready to do a deeper dive into a longer, more intense detox try eliminating:

Just by removing these things you will lighten the toxic burden on your body and begin preparing for a deeper cleansing process where the healing can be more profound and the benefits greater. Here is a great resource for high quality detox programs: Pure Joy Planet. They also have classes and community for support while you are detoxing.

I hope you incorporate some or all of my daily detox tips. You deserve to feel great and look great! I encourage you to keep making deposits in your bank of health!

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love,

Kim Keeshin

One of my favorite things to do in life: Take the best care of myself and be in vital health, so that I can be of help and service to others. 

I talk a lot about healthy diet, mindful practices, better sleep habits, exercise etc. While they are all important, what I have discovered through my own personal experience is that hormonal balance is one of the foundational keys to VIBRANT health. What is the definition of vibrant health? Someone or something that is vibrant, is full of life, energy, and enthusiasm.

There are many men and women experiencing a myriad of symptoms that could be signs of hormonal imbalances. Even if you are doing all of the so called “right things” and find yourself still wondering why you aren’t feeling your personal best, you may consider having your hormones checked.

Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms and Signs

Here are some of the classic signs:

Most of us are walking around with a few or more of these classic symptoms and wondering why we feel this way. I'm not saying that hormonal imbalance is always the reason for these issues by any means. The truth is you will never really know why until you have a full-spectrum panel of bloodwork done and work with a practitioner that you trust and feel in alignment with to read the results. Working with someone who specializes in this field will help put you on the track to correcting the imbalances. I know this to be true because after feeling pretty much all of these symptoms just a few years ago, I was able to heal myself and regain my vital health. It requires commitment and discipline, as does any goal that you aim to achieve. I will tell you that it is well worth the effort when you start to see and feel your progress over time. 

I know that it can be discouraging when you're already doing many things to care for yourself yet you’re still feeling these symptoms! The next thought is, “I guess I'm just getting old”. Not true! Doing all the healthy things you can for yourself is always a good thing however, there is a difference between being healthy and being in vital health. This is where hormonal balance comes in.

If you want to take charge and finally pull the curtain back to see what is really underneath your symptoms, then I would recommend going to see someone who specializes in hormonal balance. It will be eye opening when you finally sit-down with your practitioner to go over your bloodwork results! At this point, you are no longer shooting in the dark, always playing that guessing game about why you are feeling so fatigued etc. It is very empowering to know the facts, once and for all!

What causes hormonal changes?

Men and women can experience hormonal fluctuations at any age these days. There are many factors that can be the cause of these imbalances. Some causes of hormonal imbalances are natural signs of againg. Other causes can be from stress, thyroid issues, poor diet, medications, chemical toxicity (from personal products, household products, food and environment), electronics ( too much screen time) and insomnia. 

If your endocrine system makes too much or too little of a hormone, you develop a hormonal imbalance. Even small imbalances can create health issues. If left untreated for too long they can turn into more serious health issues. Hormones play a huge role in keeping the body's systems functioning properly. They control a number of functions including, metabolism, reproduction, mood, sex drive, growth and so much more. If in fact you are struggling with hormone imbalance, it weakens the immune system making you more likely to feel run down. The main function of our immune system is to protect us from incoming pathogens, viruses and bacteria which is most important these days. 

So you see, our hormones are involved in every aspect of your health. You need them in very specific amounts for your body to function optimally. 

Did you know that hormonal imbalances can cause anxiety attacks?

In a hormonally balanced person, cortisol will rise and lower according to the circumstance. People who have a hormonal imbalance are more susceptible to what’s known as a “cortisol flood” making it difficult to turn the cortisol (stress hormone )switch off, which makes you more anxious than you normally would be. That said, if your cortisol is too low, it can also trigger anxiety. So you can see the importance of balancing your hormones. If not balanced, life can take you on a roller coaster ride! 

Did you know hormonal imbalance can change your mood?

Fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone are associated with mood swings and irritability. Low levels of estrogen is linked to lower levels of serotonin, which can cause mood swings, depression, trouble concentrating, fatigue, and irritability.

There are a couple of different avenues to take to help correct these hormonal imbalances. Depending on your level of imbalance and your healthcare practitioner, you can either try a completely natural path by taking good quality supplements from natural sources that will support the body and heal over time, or, there are "bioidentical hormones" which are a type of man-made hormones that are closest to the real thing. These hormones are chemically identical to the ones your body makes, so you can absorb them easily. Do some research for yourself on bioidenticals and see if that’s a good fit for you. You can also discuss these options with your health care practitioner.

While you are waiting to see your specialist, here is a list of things you can incorporate right now to get the ball rolling to feel an improvement. To find a specialist, you can go online and search for an endocrinologist, hormone specialist or bioidentical specialist in your area and see which one speaks to you. You should feel comfortable with the person and treatment that you will be working with. 

  1. Eat protein with every meal
  2. Regular exercise
  3. Avoid sugar and refined carbs
  4. Manage stress through daily meditation
  5. Use healthy fats and stay away from refined industrial seed oils
  6. Drink green tea 
  7. Drink less coffee
  8. Cultivate proper sleep habits
  9. More self care
  10. Make sure to eat breakfast right after tea and don’t skip meals!
  11. Slow down.   

I will share with you my local resource, here in Austin, where I was able to find a highly qualified specialist to work with. I recommend Heal Austin and the link is here:  

Remember 2022 is all about taking care of you! I encourage you to seek out a specialist of your choice and get started on the path of discovery and better health through balancing your hormones. 

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love…

Kim Keeshin

With the end of 2021 in sight, Looking back I think we can safely say that we have all endured many challenges, changes and transformation. As we look ahead to 2022 let’s try and meet the new year with fresh eyes and the focus on opportunities for new beginnings. Let’s try to meet this new year with a  sense of hope moving toward a new normal as we navigate our lives with more confidence, ease and way less fear.

From the inside out: Health and wellness trends you should try in 2022

I think the key to feeling confident and empowered is through taking care and taking charge of our health and wellness by looking after our mental, physical and emotional well-being. We all have to start exactly where we are with no judgments. It is in the simple incremental things that you do and incorporate daily that add up into the big picture. 

I’d like to offer a list of wellness trends that are on the rise for 2022 to help get you started. 

This list is meant to inspire you rather than overwhelm you, so relax, take a breath and allow new and fresh ideas to wash over you.

As you read the list, tune in to yourself and see which ones inspire, resonate or spark your curiosity. 

For now, enjoy and imagine the possibilities of a new year and a new you!

Kim’s list of health and wellness trends to start in 2022

1. Virtual fitness

These days it is nice to have the option of exercising at home. There are so many fun videos to choose from, the possibilities are endless! 

5, 10 or 30 minute video for any fitness level in many different workout types at your fingertips in the comfort of your own home. Take the plunge and just get started and you will soon adopt a new highly addictive healthy habit! Even if you just do 10 minutes a day you are on your way to a healthier you!

Do a quick search on YouTube. There are so many videos with virtual fitness routines!

2. Breathing techniques

You would be surprised at how practicing focused breathing techniques can quickly change your body, mind and emotions. By sitting in a comfortable chair and practicing a simple technique called the box breath for 5 minutes, you can reset your entire system. There are many resources, also on Youtube, for trying all kinds of breath techniques which are very effective in calming the nervous system and emotions. 

Box Breathing

Step 1: Breathe in counting to four slowly. Feel the air enter your lungs.

Step 2: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. 

Step 3: Slowly exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds.

Step 4: Hold the exhale for 4 seconds: Repeat steps 1 to 4 until you feel re-centered.

3. Mental fitness (emotional freedom)

Meditation is the key to mental fitness. It is like lifting weights for your mind. The more you practice the stronger you become. With consistent practice you can train yourself to be able to redirect the current of your thoughts and navigate away from negative thoughts. 

Meditation will also strengthen your ability to quiet the mind with more ease. With consistent practice you will begin to condition your mind to respond at your will and command. Sounds good right? 

All you have to do is start and be consistent just like working out, after some time you will start to see the positive changes. There are loads of meditation apps that can help you stay on track. We all need support and coaching at times and the apps are like having a virtual coach that will help you not only get started but also stay on track. It’s like training wheels until you are able to ride on your own. We all have to start somewhere and this is an extremely effective tool!

Here are a few of the top meditation apps:

1. Calm

2. Ten Percent Happier

3. Headspace

4. Buddhify

Download one now and get started today!

4. Self-care

Self-care is looking after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. It is filling your cup up with an activity that raises your energy levels and brings you into alignment with your center and true essence. 

Try this exercise: Write down a list of things that you would like to do for yourself that would be restorative, replenishing, healing or just fun! It could be a bath, massage, yoga class, reading a good book, horseback riding, taking a dance class etc…

Free your mind and allow yourself to indulge. Add to your list whatever it is you can imagine. Now look at your list and pick something/s that you can do right now and incorporate into your life that will recharge your batteries and make you feel good. 

Self- care is necessary for creating balance in our busy lives. It’s taking a break from all the many roles we play for our family, friends and community. Take some time to unplug and tune in to that still part inside of yourself that reconnects you with the essence of who you truly are. Things that make you go ahhhhhhh… 😱

5. Gentler workouts

You don’t have to work out hard to make a difference!

Let’s face it, most of us are not in our 20’s anymore and we can let go of the version of work outs we used to do and adopt  workouts that feel more appropriate for this phase of life. There is no one size fits all. 

Listen to your body and do what feels right and feels good. There are so many different kinds of workouts these days. Let go of your old videos and find something new. Youtube is a great resource for this. 

One of my favorite channels is by Maddie Lymburner.

These workouts will kick your but in the most gentle way! Check out her app too. It’s a great tool to stay on track with a virtual coach. Just do it! 💪

6. Emotional Wellness

Our emotions are part of the human experience, we ARE emotional beings. That is a good thing, except when our emotions start to rule our lives and we lose a sense of control. Emotions can be like a ride on a rollercoaster. 

There are practices that can help navigate through our emotions, helping us to better understand the underpinnings and be able to then heal the triggers that stir these emotions. 

Emotions are like clouds passing. If we adopt practices that can help calm the emotions, we have a better opportunity to move through them with more ease, bringing one back to a neutral, natural state of mind. 

Some practices and healing modalities that help with balancing overactive emotions are:

1. Yoga

2. Meditation

3. Walking outside in fresh air

4. Breathing techniques

5. Holographic Repatterning (look this one up for advanced healing)

6. Dancing 

7. Digital detox

Are you in need of a social media cleanse? Are you ruled by your electronics? It’s time to set some boundaries so you can take back control. Step off the hamster wheel of checking your phone, computer, social media etc…and allow yourself to tune into the natural rhythm of nature and the universe. 

Tap into the infinite creative space around you and allow for new thoughts, inspirations and ideas to come through. You can’t do that if you are constantly checking your phone! Start with a few days and see how you feel. 

Make sure to incorporate a meditative practice while detoxing so you can feel the deeper health benefits with more clarity. When you return to your regular digital routine you will have a fresh perspective and a little more control.

8. Simplify

Some wisdom that I learned long ago is to “make my NOT to do list!” We, as a society, tend to fill our list with so many things that we end up always feeling defeated because of our unrealistic goals! 

Begin by scaling back and prioritizing the most important things and simplify your list so that you can feel victorious every day.This is much better for your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. It’s also a great way to keep yourself from feeling rushed and stressed all the time.

Stress weakens our immune system! Practice simplifying to keep the stress at bay each day.

I hope this list inspires and helps you to imagine new ideas and healthy things to try. Your power is in showing up every day to meet your practice, whatever that may be. The practice is in your commitment and persistence. And, always remember practice makes progress! 

I’d like to wish you all a safe and fun New Year Holiday weekend. Then, let 2022 be about taking care of you! 💙

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love, 

Kim Keeshin

You can relieve tension and stress before it results in physical pain

With holidays just around the corner, family gatherings, end of year deadlines, school projects and work piling up as the world opens up again, it’s easy to experience tension and stress that can evolve into muscular pain.

Pain from stress and anxiety is much more common than we think. In many of my interactions with our customers at festivals, I hear how their pain originated from stress and anxiety.

In fact, 70% of adults in the U.S. say that they feel stress or anxiety daily. So I’d like to share with you some simple ways to relieve tension and stress before it results in physical pain.

1. Find time to relax.

In order to prevent pain from taking hold, you need to create space and time for relaxation. Being in a constant state of tension will cause your muscles to be contracted which can result in constricted blood flow and pain.

Cultivate activities that help you to deeply relax. When you relax, your muscles will begin to loosen and tension will be released. This will automatically lower your pain level. Following are some relaxation suggestions for you. 

2. Just breathe.

Breathing exercises are a great thing to do to calm the nervous system and activate the relaxation response.

Another benefit of breath work is that it will quiet the busy mind. Just by doing a simple 4-4-7 breathing technique for 5 minutes (breath in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, exhale for 7 counts) you can transform the way you feel.

Mindful breathing is great for oxygenating your body, relieving tension, calming the mind and the nervous system as well as reducing pain. Doing breathing techniques with intention and focus provides the best results and it will help relieve pain, tension and stress.

3. Exercise.

Moving your body is one of the most powerful ways to combat stress. It helps to move the lymph, push the toxins out and oxygenate your cells. This will help alleviate the pain.

Make sure you move your body every day! It doesn't mean that while you are feeling pain you should do high impact exercises. Listen to your body! If you are feeling energetic and vital, you can push yourself a little more. If not, you can take it easy and try a more relaxed type of exercise like walking, mindful stretching or light yoga.

The benefits are greater if you do it consistently. People who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety and tension. YouTube has free exercise videos of all types online for easy access.

4. Aromatherapy scents and candles.

Using pure essential oils by breathing them in or through a diffuser is a great way to reduce feelings of tension and stress. Also, you can seek out candles made with pure essential oils and create a Spa-like feel in your own home. 

5. Sleep well.

Poor sleeping habits can contribute to an increase in pain and inflammation. Good sleep habits are something that we have to cultivate. 

Many factors can negatively impact your sleep such as artificial lighting, eating too late, spending time using electronics before going to bed, falling asleep with the TV on and drinking too much alcohol.

A good night's sleep will allow your body to rest, repair and recharge. This will have a positive effect on boosting your mood and reducing inflammation which will reduce aches and pains.

6. Remove toxic chemicals from your life.

Mainstream personal care products that are not all-natural are often loaded with chemicals. Just read the labels and you will see all of the unpronounceable ingredients. Over time, these toxic chemicals can build up in your body’s tissues and joints and create inflammation and pain.

This is why it is important to choose pure, clean, organic products from reliable sources whenever possible. Learn to become a label detective and avoid chemicals in your food (processed foods), household and personal care products.

By moving away from chemicals, you can live a life with less inflammation and less pain. You can then feel a sense of ease knowing that you are making the best choices for your health and well- being. 🙂

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love,

Kim Keeshin

This is a subject that I will be talking more about in future blogs. I can’t stress enough the importance of reading labels on our products and educating ourselves on the ingredients to avoid. This is a perfect example of why.

You may have noticed the spate of articles coming out recently regarding dangerous and EXTREMELY TOXIC hand sanitizers. These are, typically, the less expensive hand sanitizers that are prevalent and often found at big chain stores. Some are well-known American brands that have their products made overseas. Many articles describe hand sanitizers that are found to be flammable, toxic, dangerous for your health and even - deadly. Many are being recalled!

The FDA's latest warning to consumers and health care providers involves hand sanitizers LABELED as containing ethanol, but tested positive for methanol.* Methanol, also known as wood alcohol can be toxic when absorbed through the skin and deadly if swallowed. 

*Note: Sadly, some companies are intentionally misleading with their ingredients. That’s when it becomes important to trust your brand.

Toxic chemicals in hand sanitizers

The list has now grown to 75 sanitizers to avoid, some of which have already been recalled and some the FDA is recommending that they be recalled. These are the very hand sanitizers that you see in the chain stores like CVS, Walmart, Costco and others. 

Find all natural, non toxic hand sanitizer here.

Another problem is that many establishments that are open are required to supply hand sanitizer on the counters for their customers and these are the hand sanitizers that they are providing!

Read labels and avoid toxic chemicals

This is, yet another lesson and mirror to pay close attention to what we are putting on our skin and in our bodies! We can no longer assume that the products we use, or are offered, are fine. We have to read the labels and have a general foundation of knowledge of what chemicals to avoid.

I think about health and wellness not just for myself but for everyone! I especially think about babies and kids today and the bombardment of these chemicals in our food and body care products and the effect it can have on our short term and long term health. 

17 Toxic chemicals to avoid in personal care products

Here is a list of ingredients to avoid:







7.Methylisothiazolinone (MIT)


9.Polyethylene Glycols and Polysorbate (PEGs)

10.Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and all sulfates

11.Propylene Glycol



14.Benzyl Alcohol

15.BHA and BHT

16.Isopropyl Alcohol (derived from petroleum)

17.Benzalkonium Chloride (BAC)

Here is a link to the environmental working group: EWG. You can have access to an updated database of the most recent chemicals found in products. 

Companies are always finding new ways to cut costs and use cheap chemical fillers and preservatives. Especially these days, with corporate regulations being lifted to increase profitability, it puts even more of an onus on the consumer to look out for their own well-being and read all labels.

What should I use instead?

In general, try to avoid cheap commercial brands that seem artificial, and look for something that has real ingredients that you can pronounce!

If you are unsure about a product, brand or ingredient you can go to the EWG site and put the name of the product or ingredient and it will show you the level of toxicity and concern. A fantastic resource!

These days the name of the game is taking care of our health like never before. This is the foundation for strengthening our immune systems. 

It doesn’t matter how healthy your lifestyle is, if you keep dousing yourself with these harmful chemicals everyday it’s going to weaken and suppress your immune system. Take charge now, be proactive and become a label detective! Choose clean products and you will feel better.

Yes it takes a little work to educate yourself and your family in the beginning, but the payoff is much greater. You and your family will stay safer and healthier, extend your life and get to spend more quality time with your loved ones. 

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love,

Kim Keeshin

Read these detoxification tips to enjoy a healthier lifestyle 

In our modern day world, absorbing toxic chemicals is unavoidable. Toxins can be found in the foods that we eat, products that we use and the environment in which we live. The amounts of these that we absorb and how much we detox is what we CAN control.

Through our lifestyle choices and more knowledge of how to detox, we have the power to bring ourselves back into vibrant health. Preventative care is the best health insurance that you can provide for yourself!

I think that the foundation and key to detoxing is in getting your digestive system on track. If you find that you are having digestive issues such as irregular bowel movements, constipation/diarrhea and/ or bloating, then this is a good indication that you need to implement some changes to get your digestion and gut microbiome back on track.

Here are some of my favorite detox tips:

Eat organic food to detox your body

Start with a diet of organic whole plant foods, grass fed meat, pasture raised eggs, wild caught sustainable fish and healthy fats. Some healthy fats are ghee, virgin coconut, avocado or olive oils.

Essentially, you want to eliminate the processed foods and refined oils as much as possible because they are undermining your health and causing inflammation, and digestive issues.

Take enzymes 

Enzymes are important support for digesting proteins and fats. Find a good quality enzyme/s and take them with your meals.This will help you digest and utilize the nutrition in your foods. And, It will help you to feel more energized from the foods that you eat as well as help your digestive tract become more regular.

Eat fibers 

Eat foods that are high in fiber! Beans are an excellent choice to add to your salad or have on the side with eggs in the morning. Veggies, apples and berries are also good choices. For a fiber boost, include a teaspoon of psyllium powder in water or juice first thing in the morning. Make sure and drink extra water afterwards.

Clean your digestive system

Enemas are a fast, easy and effective way to clean and clear out unwanted debris in your body. You will feel better immediately from the removal of stagnant waste. Enemas are a great way to detox because it literally removes waste that holds the toxins. If you don’t remove it, the body will reabsorb those toxins which can cause fatigue, aches, pains and inflammation.

Eat whole foods detox your body

You have a much better chance of NOT ingesting toxic pesticides when you buy organic. The build up of these chemicals can wreak havoc on your digestive system as well as your body's other systems. Make sure that you know your list of the clean 15 and the dirty dozen. This will help when you are at the grocery store. Here is a link to that list.

Drink filtered water

Water is something we drink everyday so it’s important to have good quality drinking water available. Invest in a high quality water filter (reverse osmosis or carbon filter) and make sure to change the filters regularly as instructed. Water from plastic containers is not the best choice for everyday drinking because the plastic releases chemicals in the water and can have a negative effect on our health. Try to drink plenty of filtered water daily to help flush out the toxins.

Do a liver and gallbladder flush

This, my friends, is a game changer if you really want to detox! I just started doing these and I can assure you it is worth the effort! Check out Pure Joy Planet.

This is a reboot for your system and gives you an opportunity to flush out all of the built up gunk that is stored in the liver and gallbladder. You may even pass gallstones that you did not know that you had - sometimes even large stones! Just imagine the pain and inflammation that could be causing you. 

If you like the results, you can do it 2-3 times a year. For those of you who have blood sugar issues make sure to add easily digestible protein at meal time while doing the 6 day flush.Your body will function better in general when you detox the liver and gallbladder.

Make a green juice

Chlorophyll enhances the liver's natural ability to remove toxins and waste from the body. Get yourself a juicer and make a yummy green juice with green apples, parsley, kale, cucumber, celery and lemon juice. Yum!

Move your body

Daily exercise improves circulation while sweating releases stored toxins. As you exercise, the blood circulates and provides nutrients to organs and muscles and will allow you to feel lighter, brighter and less toxic.


Sleep is a great opportunity to detox! Make sure to cultivate healthy sleep habits. (You know what to do) Try to shoot for 8 hours of sleep. Make sure your room is dark without any interrupting little lights, wifi routers or cell phones by your bedside. CBD oil is great to take before bed to ensure quality sleep. You can also try a sleep mask and earplugs to block out lights and noise. 


I urge everyone to try some of these detox tips and see the difference in your life. Being healthy is a lifestyle and a commitment. There is always so much to learn and to experience as you journey along the path of wellness. Our bodies are our best teachers. We just need to be good students by tuning in and really listening to our bodies!

Wishing you all the best in health, peace and love,

Kim Keeshin

Our Passion is your Health

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